
6 Ways To Reinvent Your B2B Marketing Strategy in COVID-19

The world may never go back to how it was before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, says industry experts. The so-called “new normal” has put an emphasis on technology reliance and interactions done from a distance.

What does this mean for business-to-business organizations?

There’s a need to change the way operations are done, from marketing and promotion to selling, maintaining consumer engagement, and more. But how can B2B entities change their marketing tactics to ensure maximal engagement in this COVID-ridden world? What obstacles will they face in terms of getting consumers and building relations with customers?

Start by acknowledging the pandemic

Covid-19 is what everybody is talking about these days — the effect it has on health, finances, communities, and enterprises. In all communications, you need to consider the crisis as your starting point, or risk coming off as insensitive or totally tuned out.

It's alright to talk about other things but acknowledge what's going on in the world now.

Apply design thinking to address the needs of individual clients

Figure out what's going on and what's not going on with the procurement managers, design experts, production planners, and other kinds of customers you're seeking to engage in the purchasing route. Around the same time, consider the needs of your own internal staff, such as sales managers, service support personnel, or solution engineers.

When you seek understanding and complicated decisions, you can decide which particular elements of knowledge are of greatest interest, focusing less on heroic efforts to solve back-end obstacles or inadequate market processes.

Push work automation by rethinking jobs and organizational processes

Our own work and several analyses have demonstrated that a great proportion of operations, in some cases more than 40%, could be automated or withdrawn, which decreases costs as consumer service significantly improves. Calls to a contact center can be minimized by digital interactions which include advanced search, correct content access, and the use of chatbots, for example.

Make use of more versatile and scalable infrastructure, automated technologies, and operating processes

Low-code platforms can be used to create new interactive experiences in far less time and at less prices than current ones, including e-commerce storefronts, networking hubs, and virtual trade shows. And splitting the digital plan into a sequence of short sprints would make it easy for consumers and internal teams to take advantage of time to value.

Together, these measures allow us to concentrate on investments in an experience that are efficient and effective beyond the simple application of technology.

Consider sales and delivery chain improvements to exploit digitalization, adapt to omnichannel models, and distinguish your interactions with consumers

In order to do this, you need to ask: What role do channel partners play in increasing online sales to a greater degree? How can value be produced and delivered across different channels?  What price policies can streamline the aimed strategy?

Your responses will lead to a great many changes that will take time to implement, especially if contractual changes and agreements are required, but even some can be enforced within weeks.

Align sales and marketing to the supply chain.

B2B companies are also able to link the demand side to the supply side. Think about how the business can separate consumer interactions and provide better outcomes by optimizing visibility and responsiveness in the supply chain. You must be able to accommodate orders, products, prices, and fulfillment dynamically. A stagnant sales and order planning process that's struggling to deliver the basics clearly isn't an option.

As lockdowns persist along with market changes, transforming and flexing tactics are key. Things are moving so fast, so you need to be agile enough.  It is all about staying the course for marketing teams. We are trying to move forward to recovery, and it will be one heck of a challenge. Your marketing strategy must be a whole lot better than before.


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